Ding Dong – Firebeatz & Bobby Burns

Today’s track is one that I’ve had in back burner and just haven’t gotten around to posting. This track has been around for a few months and I remember being almost immediately captivated by it. Now don’t get me wrong, this isn’t the greatest track to have ever graced my ear canal, but even still, the track’s hook is infectious from the moment you hear it.

The track starts out and immediately dives right into the main melody followed by a pretty standard build up found in most electronic tracks. After which though, you get about 30 seconds or so to soak in the glorious melody accompanied pretty much just the baseline and a few synthesizers…

…the thought of an Italian chef symbolically kissing their fingers after setting down a delicious plate of food seems to come to mind….

Now after a rather engaging intro, the track builds up again and segways into the main chorus which, for me, is nothing particularly exciting (instead I find myself pretty much waiting anxiously for the melody that I crave to come back…).

Once the track breaks, there is a moment of peace where the piano solo is slowly introduced. I was a little surprised with how much I like the solo, and it makes quick work of the tension built up by the chorus. Slowly the pace begins to pick up and sure enough my patience is rewarded with the nearly seamless reintroduction of the main melody for a few fleeting, glorious moments before being dive bombed into the “drop” of the track and the chorus (again, still not really impressed…).

All in all, this is fantastic track that I have no doubt listened to 50+ times, but it would be perfect in my opinion if the chorus could be replaced with something a little less harsh/jarring. The entire track is overwhelmingly melodic (and they hit the nail on the head in both the melody and the piano solo); however, once you finally get into the groove and you start moving to the beat, the chorus seems to break the flow of the track. As a result, I start to mentally wander as I eagerly await for the etherial, seemingly hypnotic melody to return once again.


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