Mord Fustang – Taito

Today’s track is definitely one that is just going to make your day brighter… just give it a listen and I dare you to be pissed afterward, it’s damn near impossible, enough said…

…sticks hand out, drops mic and walks away…

Now while this track isn’t the banger that gets the dance floor raging, every song has its place, and this is exactly the type of opener track that would get the crowd to start moving and buy into the rhythm of the night. Overall the track is tremendously up beat and lighthearted and while it doesn’t have the overwhelming four-on-the-floor bassline that pervades a great many songs in the genre, what it lacks in power it easily makes up for in melody.

Unlike yesterday’s track, “Ding Dong” by Firebeatz and Bobby Burns,  this track’s melody is consistent and pervades the entire length of the song without any abrupt shifts (although I will admit that Ding Dong does has better hook). By the end of this track you are most definitely in a happier state of mind.

I love tracks like these that have amazing “vocals” that don’t ever really say anything and a great chorus that for the most part doesn’t really have serious drop. It’s just easy listening that is notoriously infectious… Plus, I gotta hand it to Taito, nothing makes a chorus better than the addition of a little cowbell!

Because you know… Guess what? I got a fever! And the only prescription… is more cowbell!


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