Your Love – Morgan Page ft. The Outfield

So while last week was fairly relaxed, this week we are going to start off on a much more up beat note (damn it, that lame pun was not intended, I swear it’s an illness). Today’s track is a beautifully done remix of The Outfield’s “Your Love” by Morgan Page. If you listen to one song the entire day, it needs to be this one! Stop what you’re doing right now and listen for the next 5 minutes!

…and, let’s face it, what you’re doing right now isn’t really that important anyway… I promise.

I don’t even know where to begin with this track, it strikes that perfect balance of new and old. On one hand, the track has been completely redone and basically feels like an entirely new song (huge plus for me), and on the other hand, the familiar vocals let you sing along right from the start! What’s not to love? The moment this track started playing, my ears immediately perked up and I became a lost cause.

…of course that assumes I’m a productive member of society the rest of my day which is, well… questionable at best.

And that’s not even the best part! The melody is…. well, I’m truly at a loss for words here… I suppose if I had to pick a few they might be along the lines of “majestic” “dazzling” “sublime” or “glorious”, but in all honesty none of them do this track justice in my mind. Every time I listen to it I get the insatiable urge to get up and dance regardless of where I am. Feeling down?… listen to this track. Have to get up early to go to work?… listen to this track. Girlfriend dumped you?… listen to this track. I honestly don’t think there is anything that can lighten a your mood more than this song.

…not even tequila…

There is almost nothing that I see wrong with this track, the buildups, the drops, the chorus… it’s all fantastic and very well done. I can easily see this track staying on repeat on my phone for the foreseeable future and I wouldn’t have even the slightest objection. Give it a listen and I promise your Monday will be infinitely better. It’s almost as if someone bottled happiness and made it available at a moment’s notice.

Enjoy! and let me know what you think!

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