Lose It – Deorro

Congrats! You’re almost on the eve of another glorious weekend! I’m a firm believer in celebrating the small victories in life. Whether it’s waking up on time, putting on matching socks, making a deadline (on time), or even surviving yet another week, who doesn’t love unnecessary reasons to celebrate?

I took a shower this morning – shots all around!

Expectations are overrated.

Flaming Dr. Pepper shots - because if there isn't a risk of being burned what's the point?

Flaming Dr. Pepper shots – because if there isn’t a risk of being burned what’s the point?

That’s what makes “Lose It” by Deorro so great! It’s just a happy go lucky track that will undoubtedly put you in the mood to celebrate. Now it’s no secret that I’m a sucker for a good melody, but my god is this track’s hook infectious! It was powerful enough to jar me out of my work-induced coma and grab my attention by the short and curlies. Just give it one listen and I swear you’ll carry the melody around in your head all day. Once you hear it, it cannot be unheard.

Kinda like a picture of a fat man nursing a pig.

Once you see it, it cannot be unseen.

...god I hope that's a cat...

…god I hope that’s a pig…

Now before you ask – although you probably won’t – Deorro was also the artist behind the track “Five Hours” which came across my radar a while back (you can read my original post here). Initially I thought he may have been a one hit wonder, but after digging through some of his other tracks, I discovered this amazing little gem – along with a few others (more to come next week). Needless to say, I’m a Deorro convert…

…and I’m loving every minute of it.


Best of all it’s a free download on SoundCloud! So enjoy and let me know what you think!

One response to “Lose It – Deorro

  1. Pingback: Deorro’s Triple Crown – Yee | [just [be] happy]·

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